Why Deep Value Investors Need A Tribe

 In The psychology of turnaround stock investing, Turnaround investment

Turnaround stock investing is the only website devoted to deep value investors that recognize money management is just as important as stock research.

The goal is to have the site serve as a community of like-minded value investors who recognize that its ok to ask for support and acceptance when establishing your position sizes and executing on entries, stops, and reentries.

It’s easy to beat your self up when you take losses. Your brain is often screaming for you to stay in and suck up the losses. While your ego easily justifies you staying in the position because of your research. It takes courage to be accountable to yourself and execute on your plan.

Being in a community of like-minded investors with me as your guide can make the process easier than by acting alone.

It’s interesting that professional athletes think of nothing to have coaches and support around them. However, deep value investors that want to cut losses often have to go it alone, since few investors support and recognize the value of a disciplined money management plan.

It takes courage to hold your self-accountable and take a series of small losses while you wait for the right conditions to buy a deep value stock or reenter. Being part of a tribe is not a source of shame but pride.

Money management is the key to investment success. It’s the reason so few value investors make money. You have to adopt a ruthless cold-hearted attitude which is not natural for most investors including me. Stopping out is never easy and simple. But being in a tribe where other investors are executing like you can bring comfort to our screaming brain. Its natural to feel like a stupid investor when you are taking a series of small loses instead of doubling or tripling down.
However, once you see how one or two 5 baggers can pay for all your small losses you will be hooked on turnaround stock investing.